How Can Bed Bugs Affect Pets In Roanoke?
Bed bugs can be a major problem for Roanoke property owners, especially if they start to affect your pets. It is important to understand how to get rid of bed bugs and invest in professional bed bug control to protect your property and beloved animals from these pests.
Understanding Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small insects that range in color from dark brown to reddish-brown. They typically stay around the size and shape of an apple seed but can become more elongated and oval if they have recently fed. Bed bugs are a fairly common pest problem to have in your home, thanks to their skill in hitchhiking from one infested area to a new place. Many homes that bed bugs end up in do have pets, resulting in a number of troublesome problems for both the animals and their owners.
Can Pets Carry Bed Bugs?
For many pet owners, "Can pets carry bed bugs?" is a valid question. However, you can rest assured that bed bugs will not live on your pets. Unlike the parasitic flea, bed bugs do not live on their hosts and prefer to live in darker, more secluded areas of your property, such as in mattresses, walls, and furniture.
Bed bugs are attracted to pets and will bite them simply because they are attracted to several factors that pets (and humans) emit, such as carbon dioxide and heat. However, bed bugs do not like hair and fur, so if your pet starts showing signs of bed bug bites, they will typically be on areas with less fur, such as the ears, legs, and belly. Your pet may also scratch more as a result of these bites and have red, inflamed areas resulting from the constant scratching.
How To Eliminate Bed Bugs
The difference between bed bugs and fleas on your pet will be in the size of the bites and whether or not you can see the insects on your animals. Fleas tend to live on your pets; when you part your pet's fur, you will see small, dark-colored insects running around. Fleas will also leave bites all over your pet's body and may leave behind small piles of "flea dirt," which are droppings. Flea dirt looks very similar to ground pepper.
On the other hand, bed bugs will not live on your pet and cannot travel far. If your pet has itchy red bumps on their belly, ears, or another furless area, there is likely a bed bug infestation nearby their living areas that is causing the problem.
In order to eliminate bed bugs, always keep an eye out around your home and pets for signs of these insects. Wash your pets' bedding at the highest possible heat setting to kill these insects, and don't hesitate to contact professional bed bug control providers for help with your bed bug problem.
Pest Control To Kill Bed Bugs
If you see signs of bed bugs around your home and your pets are starting to show evidence of itchy spots, your best move is to call the professionals at Star City Pest Control. Our experts will provide you with bed bug control that allows your home to return to a pest-free state and your pets to get relief from itchy bites.
Tags: bed bug control | bed bug information | bed bugs on pets |
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